Acme Studios — Help Acme support artists

Supporting Artists since 1972

“Having a studio with Acme has meant the world to me as an artist. At different points in my career, I have been able to rely upon a stable, secure, and special space in which to make my work. Low artist pay, the pandemic, Brexit, and government arts policies, make for an unstable and insecure landscape in which artists now try to work and make work. Artists in London face huge challenges in the context of the cost-of-living crisis combining with already high prices in the capital. By providing affordable studios as well as artists support, such as awards, residencies, and houses, Acme are an essential part of an ecology in which artists can survive and thrive.”

Gayle Chong Kwan, Acme tenant

Acme works to support the largely invisible individual artists upon whose labour the arts and culture sector rests.

On top of particular and everyday precarity, the widespread economic, social and political impacts of recent years are taking a toll on artists’ resilience.

Financial pressures, precarious working conditions and the cost-of-living crisis combine to paint an increasingly grim picture of artists’ lived realities.

Acme’s charitable objective is to support artists in need, meaning that our resources and opportunities are available to those navigating acute and additional obstacles to their practice.

Acme does not receive regular grants or funding for the work we do, so every bit of help, however small, makes a real difference.

Your donation will help us support more artists through studio provision, opportunities and wider advocacy work at a time when Acme’s role could not be more important.

Acme exists to help artists be artists. We have done so for 50 years, according to our values of humanity, trust and stability, and we plan to do so for many years to come.