Acme Studios — Kamolros Wonguthum

Supporting Artists since 1972

Kamolros Wonguthum

Kamolros Wonguthum’s feminine approach towards structures of power employs an autobiographical approach in ‘not victimising’ the use of personal narrative. She wants to empower social value systems and concepts that are possibly considered vulnerabilities. Her practice aims to subvert aspects of gendered stereotypes, shifting how we objectify what we see.

Wonguthum’s work encompasses: installation, photography, video, writing, poetry and digital collage on mixed media, the work often amalgamates together, sitting on the fringes of each discipline. Wonguthum’s choice in media, image and scale accentuates a starkly cute poetic of the social, teasing and daring us to indulge our imaginations.

She has written a poetry book, Ros’ Floweras, published by LUMA Foundation, Switzerland. Her recent solo exhibitions includes I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST: I Look At You at Bangkok Art & Cultural Centre (BACC), Little Savage Little Swine at Monster House London, I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST: ฉันเป็นตัวนำหญิงแต่ฉันไม่ใช่นางเอก at VER Gallery, and Tales Of Eyes at Goldsmiths MFA Fine Art Degree Show.

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