Acme Studios — #3 Stuart Brisley at The Acme Gallery

Supporting Artists since 1972

#3 Stuart Brisley at The Acme Gallery

50 stories from The Acme Archive

‘10 Days: A ritualised de-construction of the ritual’ by Stuart Brisley in association with Manfred Blöb was a continuous performance at the Acme Gallery between 8pm on 21 December and 8pm on 31 December 1978, five years after its first performance in Berlin.

The performance was staged on two levels of the Acme Gallery. On the first floor, Brisley offered the food he would normally consume to the audience, essentially living without any food for the duration of the performance. At the end of each day, the remaining food would be left on the table. On the ground floor, a corresponding place setting would be laid on a clean table, which would remain empty until 31 December when guests were invited for a New Year’s Eve celebration, culminating in Brisley crawling through the leftovers naked across the table.