Acme Studios — Jonathan Harvey Tenant Award 2025 FAQs

Supporting Artists since 1972

FAQs for Jonathan Harvey Tenant Award 2025.

If you can’t find something, or have further queries please email: [email protected].

These FAQs are also available to view/download as a PDF here.

1) How do I work out when my artistic practice began?

The period of at least 30 years should begin with the date of your first professional engagement (exhibition, award, commission or project). It should be in or before the year 1994.

2) Can I include the years I spent in art education?

If you went to art school (or the equivalent), your first professional engagement should be after your original training. If you undertook subsequent training, then this can be included within the 30 years.

3) I took time out for childcare/caring responsibilities so there is a bit of a gap in my CV. Can I include these years in my 30-year calculation?

Yes, we anticipate that many artists need to juggle caring commitments with making work. A CV can indicate this. Likewise, any significant periods of time when an artist has not been able to practice because of other work commitments or health issues can be shown on a CV.

4) I’ve made lots of different types of work during the years of my practice. Will this be an issue when considering an application?

No, a consistent type of work isn’t required to meet the criteria. We expect some artists’ practices will have developed or changed over time. The award could offer support to an artist wanting to revisit or continue a particular type of work or could propose a new approach.

5) I want to apply with a collaborator/as part of a group. Do we all need to be Acme artists? Do we each need to have a 30+ year practice?

Project proposals that involve more than one artist will be considered.

The person submitting the application will be the ‘lead’ applicant and responsible for the award if they are successful. They must be a current Acme tenant and meet the eligibility criteria.

Please name the other artists in the applicant and indicate if they are also Acme tenants.

If the artists have worked together previously, please reflect this on your CV.

Only one proposal should be submitted per group/person

6) I share a studio. Can I still make an application?

Yes, we are happy to consider applications from artists who currently share Acme studios. Please ensure that your proposal won’t impact negatively on the person you are sharing with, and your current studio is suitable for your proposal.

7) I have only been in an Acme studio for a few months or for just some of the years of my practice. Will this be an issue in the consideration of my proposal?

Applicants must be a current Acme studio tenant, sub-letter or sharer as of 26 July 2024 to apply. There is no minimum or maximum amount of time you need to be in occupation.

8) I only have a sub-let agreed on my studio for the next six months, can I apply?

Yes. All Acme artists can apply for the award if they are a tenant, sub-letter or share a studio as of 26 July 2024.

Artists who only have a guaranteed number of months in a studio will need to indicate how their proposal could be achieved potentially without a working studio (Acme tries to offer alternative space to artists when sub-lets end but this is dependent on availability and cannot be guaranteed).

9) I have other employment alongside my practice. Is this an issue when making a proposal?

No. We anticipate that many artists will be doing additional work to support a practice which may continue during the year of the award. Some artists may choose to propose using part of the award’s funds to reduce their additional working hours to maximise the time they have to give to the project.

10) Why do you need to know how the award will help me overcome barriers in my work or career?

Acme exists to support artists in necessitous circumstances, and we are keen to understand how the award might help you to realise a specific project that you would not be able to otherwise.

11) I’d love to have an exhibition of my work but I don’t have a gallery in mind. Is this something Acme could help with?

This award values the production and development of work. We can offer advice and support, but we cannot provide a space or guarantee exhibition opportunities. We recommend artists include plans for exhibiting within proposals if this is the focus, including indicating confirmed or likely supporting partners.

12) I have planned/am planning a residency in/outside of the UK later this year. Is this something that the award could support?

Yes. A residency that offers developmental growth and unlocks other possibilities, either in the UK or abroad, can be considered.

13) I would like to do a course starting in September. I haven’t applied yet because I don’t have the funding. How would this be considered when you review the application?

This award is not intended to support full-time students or extended educational studies. However, a convincing case can be made for the developmental impact of acquiring a new skill or attending a particular symposium or short course and this will be considered.

14) I’ve been offered an exhibition in 18 months’ time. This award would support the development of work for this. Can a proposal that will cover longer than the 12-month duration of the award be considered?

Yes. This award can have outcomes beyond the duration of the award and the development of a new body of work over the year would fit this. Please note that Acme’s focus in the following year (2026) will be with the 2026 award recipient, so practical support beyond the 12-month period would be limited. However, artists can have up to 18 months to complete their projects.

15) What kind of support would Acme be offering during the 12-month award?

We will work with the awardee to help facilitate the delivery of the project and promotion of its outcomes. Acme’s Artist Support team will arrange an in-depth meeting at the start of the project period followed by quarterly studio visits to discuss the progress of the project and practical ways Acme could help with the project.

16) What assessment will be made to evaluate a project or proposal after the 12 months of the award?

A schedule with predicted outcomes will be agreed with the artist at the start of the project. There will be an evaluation process after the 12-month period, which the artist is expected to participate in. This is likely to include written documentation and/or interview.

17) Is there just one award to be given on this occasion? If I’m not successful this time, will there be an opportunity to apply again in the future?

The Jonathan Harvey Tenant Award is an annual award, which will be given to one artist or group of artists. We anticipate it will be run again next year.

You can apply in the future with an updated version of your previous application or a completely new application.

18) How do I work out a budget for my proposal? Do you need to see a breakdown of costs? Can I include my current studio rent as part of my budget?

A general breakdown of costs is required, and this can include current studio rent. Reasonable estimates are acceptable.

19) What is the difference between the £7,000 project support offered and the £5,000 bursary. How would I show this in a budget?

The bursary should be shown in the budget as a one-off artist fee for the applicant/s. The project support is the area of expenditure that needs to be broken down.

20) Why are there separate income line items for the Jonathan Harvey Award Artist Fee and Project Support?

We believe that artists should be paid fairly and expect that at least £5,000 of this award is spent on artists fees or payment. We hope to make this clear by separating out this amount from the project fees.

21) Can the £5,000 bursary form part of my proposed project costs?

For example, the bronze casting course I want to do will cost £8,000, more than the project funds offered as part of the award.

If you would like to include it, you can, but please remember to value your own time as part of the bursary.

22) Can I use the award if offered to support an application for further grant funding?


23) Can some of the project’s costs be used to fund an assistant?

Yes. They should be paid fairly, at least at the London Living Wage rate (£13.15 per hour).

24) Can some of the award’s funds be used to help with childcare costs (or reduce my paid working hours)?


25) Can my artist fee be more than £5,000?

Yes. We recommend that you calculate your artist fee according to the amount of time you would be dedicating to this project over a 12-month period, according to current pay scales.

A-N 2022 guidance for artist day rates recommendation is between £272-332 per day for artists with 10+ years’ experience. Hence a £5,000 fee would equate to 15-18.5 days’ work total. Please keep this in mind when outlining the scale and scope of your project.

We will not fund a project with any artist fees calculated at less than London Living Wage (£13.15 per hour). This would mean that an artist fee of £5,000 for this project should equate to no more than 54 days’ work total. If you are employing other artists to assist you, their fee should be calculated in the same way.

26) I applied last year but was not selected. Can I reapply with the same proposal?

Yes. We recommend you consider whether anything about your practice or project has changed in the last 12 months and why it remains the most relevant/important step for you to take at this point in your career.